
The ST Doodle package comes with 3 built in themes. It also allows for custom themes to be built.

Pre-built Themes

  • None - This will apply a blank theme to the component and all styles should be set.
  • Default - This is the default built in theme.
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap classes are used for the theme.

Adding a Custom Theme

Create a new theme class and inherit from the Doodle.Abstractions.ITheme. Implement the class names to use. Below is an example of the Default theme implementation. Due to the many options available in the theme, it is recomended that you find the element you want to style in the browser developer tools and then find the applicable class you want to override.

        public class MyOwnCustomTheme : Doodle.Abstractions.ITheme
            public string ToolbarWrapperClass { get; set; } = "doodle-toolbar-wrapper";

            public string ToolbarHeaderClass { get; set; }  = "";

            public string ToolbarContentWrapperClass { get; set; }  = "doodle-toolbar-content-wrapper";

            public string ToolbarContentClass { get; set; }  = "";

            public string ToolbarMenuButtonClass { get; set; } = "doodle-btn-round";

            public string ToolbarMenuButtonsContainerClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ToolbarMenuButtonsClass { get; set; } = "doodle-toolbar-buttons";

            public string ToolbarContentPanelsClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ToolbarContentPanelClass { get; set; } = "";
            public string ToolbarContentPanelHeaderClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ToolbarContentPanelHeaderTextClass { get; set; } = "doodle-toolbar-panel-header-text";  

            public string ToolbarContentPanelContentClass { get; set; } = "";  

            public string ToolbarContentPanelContentWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ToolbarContentPanelContentCloseClass { get; set; } = "doodle-toolbar-close";

            public string BackgroundPickerSourceImageClass { get; set; } = "doodle-background-source-wrapper";

            public string CanvasResizeContainerClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string CanvasDrawClass { get; set; } = "doodle-canvas";

            public string CanvasPreviewDrawClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ColorPickerWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";
            public string ColorPickerFavouritesWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ColorPickerFavouriteOuterClass { get; set; } = "doodle-button-custom-outer";

            public string ColorPickerFavouriteInnerClass { get; set; } = "doodle-button-custom-inner";

            public string ColorPickerCustomColorWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ColorPickerCustomColorInputClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string SizePickerWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";
            public string SizePickerFavouritesWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string SizePickerFavouriteOuterClass { get; set; } = "doodle-button-custom-outer"; 

            public string SizePickerFavouriteInnerClass { get; set; } = "doodle-button-custom-inner";

            public string SizePickerCustomDrawSizeWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string SizePickerCustomEraserSizeWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ResizableListWrapperClass { get; set; }  = "";

            public string ResizableImageElementClass { get; set; }  = "";

            public string ResizableTextElementInputClass { get; set; }  = "";

            public string ResizableTextElementLabelClass { get; set; }  = "";

            public string ResizableElementWrapperClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ResizableElementContentClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ResizableElementSizeAdornerClass { get; set; } = "doodle-resize-adorner";

            public string ResizableElementMoveAdornerClass { get; set; } = "";

            public string ResizableElementDeleteAdornerClass { get; set; } = "";

Setting the theme in Startup.cs

        services.UseDoodle((config) => 
            config.Theme = new Doodle.Themes.Default(); // Or Custom
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